Mini notation syntax

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Symbol Description Example Equivalent
[ ] Create a pattern grouping d1 $ s "[bd sd] hh" d1 $ fastcat [s "bd sd", s "hh"]
. Shorthand for pattern grouping d1 $ s "bd sd . hh hh hh" d1 $ s "[bd sd] [hh hh hh]
, Play multiple patterns at the same time d1 $ s "[bd sd, hh hh hh]" d1 $ stack [s "bd sd", s "hh hh hh"]
* Repeat a pattern d1 $ s "bd*2 sd" d1 $ s "[bd bd] sd"
/ Slow down a pattern d1 $ s "bd/2" d1 $ s (slow 2 $ "bd")
< > Alternate between patterns d1 $ s "bd <sd hh cp>" d1 $ slow 3 $ s "bd sd bd hh bd cp"
! Replicate a pattern d1 $ s "bd!3 sd" d1 $ s "bd bd bd sd"
_ Elongate a pattern d1 $ s "bd _ _ ~ sd _" Results in pattern (0>1/2)|s: "bd" (4/6>1)|s: "sd"
@ Elongate a pattern d1 $ s "superpiano@3 superpiano" d1 $ s "superpiano _ _ superpiano"
? Randomly remove events from pattern d1 $ s "bd? sd" d1 $ fastcat [degradeBy 0.5 $ s "bd", s "sd"]
: Selecting samples d1 $ s "bd:3" d1 $ s "bd" # n 3
( ) Euclidean sequences d1 $ s "bd(3,8)" d1 $ euclid 3 8 $ s "bd"
{ } Polymetric sequences d1 $ s "{bd bd bd bd, cp cp hh}" 2nd pattern wraps: d1 $ stack [ s "bd*4", s "cp cp hh cp" ]
{ }% Polymetric sequence subdivision d1 $ s "{bd cp hh}%8" Pattern wraps: d1 $ s "bd cp hh bd cp hh bd cp"