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Type: weave :: Time -> ControlPattern -> [ControlPattern] -> ControlPattern

weave applies one control pattern to a list of other control patterns, with a successive time offset. For example:

d1 $ weave 16 (pan sine)
  [sound "bd sn cp",
   sound "casio casio:1",
   sound "[jvbass*2 jvbass:2]/2",
   sound "hc*4"

In the above, the pan sine control pattern is slowed down by the given number of cycles, in particular 16, and applied to all of the given sound patterns. What makes this interesting is that the pan control pattern is successively offset for each of the given sound patterns; because the pan is closed down by 16 cycles, and there are four patterns, they are 'spread out', i.e. with a gap of four cycles. For this reason, the four patterns seem to chase after each other around the stereo field. Try listening on headphones to hear this more clearly.

You can even have it the other way round, and have the effect parameters chasing after each other around a sound parameter, like this:

d1 $ weave 16 (sound "arpy" >| n (run 8))
  [vowel "a e i",
   vowel "i [i o] o u",
   vowel "[e o]/3 [i o u]/2",
   speed "1 2 3"


Type: weaveWith :: Time -> Pattern a -> [Pattern a -> Pattern a] -> Pattern a

weaveWith (formerly known as weave') is similar to the above, but weaves with a list of functions, rather than a list of controls. For example:

d1 $ weaveWith 3 (sound "bd [sn drum:2*2] bd*2 [sn drum:1]")
  [fast 2, 
   (# speed "0.5"),
   chop 16