Functions for shifting time
From TidalCycles userbase
The title of this page should be "<~, ~> and friends", but unfortunately this software doesn't allow titles with < or > in!
Type: (<~) :: Pattern Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
<~ is an operator that shifts a pattern earlier in time, by the given amount.
For example, to shift a pattern by a quarter of a cycle, every fourth cycle:
d1 $ every 4 (0.25 <~) $ sound ("arpy arpy:1 arpy:2 arpy:3")
Or to alternate between different shifts:
d1 $ "<0 0.5 0.125>" <~ sound ("arpy arpy:1 arpy:2 arpy:3")
Type: (~>) :: Pattern Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
~> Is the same as above, but shifts a pattern later in time. For example:
d1 $ every 4 (0.25 ~>) $ sound ("bd ~ sn:1 [mt ht]")