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In Tidal 1.0.0, the way you interact with patterns has changed a bit.

The range of functions for interaction set up by default can be seen in the bootup code.

Patterns by number and by name

As before you can use d1, d2 etc to start different patterns, e.g:

d1 $ sound "bd sd"

d1 $ silence

But now as an alternative you can also use p and specify any number, like this:

p 100323523 $ sound "bd sd"

p 100323523 $ silence

Theoretically, you can have any number of patterns running at once.

You can also refer to them by name, if you want.

p "jimmy" $ sound "bd sd"
p "susan" $ sound "cp(3,8)"

p "jimmy" $ silence
p "susan" $ silence


If you want to do a transition, you put it in place of the p, e.g.:

xfade "susan" $ sound "gabba(3,8,<0 2 4>)"
xfade "susan" $ sound "cp*2"

(The old t1, t2 etc method no longer works.)

Doing things once

If you just want a pattern to run for one cycle and then stop, you can do use once:

once $ s "bd sd(3,8)"

Changing tempo with setcps

Just give it the number of cycles per second, for example if your cycle has two beats in, this will be the equivalent of 120 bpm:

setcps 1

Changing tempo with cps

cps is no longer a standalone function (`setcps` above now does this), but a control pattern. Patterning cps is fun. Patterns don't (yet) have independent tempos though, if you change it on one pattern, it changes on all of them.

p "cpsfun" $ s "bd sd(3,8)" # cps (slow 8 $ 0.5 + saw)