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Type: delaytime :: Pattern Double -> ControlPattern

delaytime turns a number pattern into a control pattern that changes the length of the delay effect. The delay function is required in order for delaytime to have any effect.

d1 $ s "drum*4 [drum:1 drum:2/2]" # delaytime "<0 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.5>" # delay "0.5"

Interesting results can be achieved when applying a continuous function to delaytime:

d1 $ s "drum*4 [drum:1 drum:2/2]" # delaytime (range 0.01 0.3 $ slow 4 sine) # delay "0.5"

For clock synced delay, specify the lock parameter as 1 otherwise delay defaults to unsynced. The below should fill the empty spaces in the pattern with a ghost hit evenly between the specified samples.

d1 $ s "bd sn" # delaytime 0.25 # delay "0.8" # lock 1

Changing the cycles per second and the delay will adjust itself.

setcps 0.91

d1 $ s "bd sn" # delaytime 0.25 # delay "0.8" # lock 1