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Type: inside :: Pattern Time -> (Pattern a -> Pattern b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b

inside carries out an operation 'inside' a cycle.

For example, while rev "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" is the same as "7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0", inside 2 rev "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" gives "3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4".

What this function is really doing is 'slowing down' the pattern by a given factor, applying the given function to it, and then 'speeding it up' by the same factor. In other words, this:

inside 2 rev "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"

Is doing this:

fast 2 $ rev $ slow 2 "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"

.. so rather than whole cycles, each half of a cycle is reversed.


Type: outside :: Pattern Time -> (Pattern a -> Pattern b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b

outside is the inverse of the inside function. outside applies its function outside the cycle.

Say you have a pattern that takes 4 cycles to repeat and apply the `rev` function.

d1 $ rev $ cat [s "bd bd sn",s "sn sn bd", s"lt lt sd", s "sd sd bd"]

The above generates: d1 $ rev $ cat [s "sn bd bd",s "bd sn sn", s "sd lt lt", s "bd sd sd"]

However if you apply `outside`: d1 $ outside 4 (rev) $ cat [s "bd bd sn",s "sn sn bd", s"lt lt sd", s "sd sd bd"]

The result is : d1 $ rev $ cat [s "bd sd sd", s "sd lt lt", s "sn sn bd", s "bd bd sn"]

Notice the whole idea has been reversed.

What this function is really doing is 'speeding up' the pattern by a given factor, applying the given function to it, and then 'slowing it down' by the same factor. In other words, this:

d1 $ slow 4 $ rev $ fast 4 $ cat [s "bd bd sn",s "sn sn bd", s"lt lt sd", s "sd sd bd"]

This compresses the idea into a single cycle before `rev` operates and then slows it back to the original speed.