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Type: Num b => Int -> String -> String -> [b]

lindenmayer takes an integer b, a Lindenmayer system rule set and an initiating string as input in order to generate an L-system tree string of b iterations. It can be used in conjunction with a step function to convert the generated string into a playable pattern.

For example:

d1 $ slow 16 $ sound $ step' ["feel:0", "sn:1", "bd:0"]
(take 512 $ lindenmayer 5 "0:1~~~,1:0~~~2~~~~~0~~~2~,2:2~1~,~:~~1~"

... generates an L-system with initiating string "0" and maps it onto a list of samples.

Complex L-system trees with many rules and iterations can sometimes result in unwieldy strings. Using take n to only use the first n elements of the string, along with a slow function, can make the generated values more manageable.