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Type: markovPat :: Pattern Int -> Pattern Int -> [[Double]] -> Pattern Int

markovPat generates a one-cycle pattern of steps in a Markov chain with a transition matrix and an initial state. Each row of the transition matrix is automatically normalized.

For example:

markovPat 8 1 [[3,5,2], [4,4,2], [0,1,0]]

Generates a pattern of 8 steps, beginning at state #1, with three states (0, 1, or 2):


To use it in a Tidal pattern, you will need to map the resulting steps with something like fmap:

d1 $ s "bd*8" # speed (fmap ([1,2,3]!!) $ markovPat 8 1 [[3,5,2], [4,4,2], [0,1,0]])

d1 $ s "drum*8" # n (fmap ([0,3,5]!!) $ markovPat 8 1 [[3,5,2], [4,4,2], [0,1,0]])

d1 $ s (fmap (["bd", "cp", "arpy"]!!) $ markovPat 8 1 [[3,5,2], [4,4,2], [0,1,0]])