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Type: n :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern

n turns a number pattern into a control pattern that changes the sample being played in the specified sound folder on disk. The default value is 0, which plays the first sample in the sound folder. A value of 1 plays the next sample in the folder, a value of 2 plays the next, and so on:

d1 $ s "drum*4" # n "0"
d1 $ s "drum*4" # n "1"
d1 $ s "drum*4" # n "2 3"
d1 $ s "drum*4" # n "0 1 2 3"

A shorthand version of n is to use a colon followed by a number after a sound name:

d1 $ s "drum:0"
d1 $ s "drum:1"
d1 $ s "drum:0 drum:3 drum:2 drum:1*2"

You can of course combine sound patterns with patterns of n to easily create patterns with more complexity:

d1 $ s "drum [cp hh] odx*2 arpy*2" # n "[1 3 5 0 2]/2"

n is an index that starts at zero, so to play the 5th sample in a folder, you would use the number 4:

d1 $ s "drum" # n "4"