From TidalCycles userbase
(Redirected from overlay)
Type: stack :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
stack takes a list of patterns and combines them into a new pattern by layering them up - effectively playing all of the patterns in the list simultaneously.
d1 $ stack [
sound "bd bd*2",
sound "hh*2 [sn cp] cp future*4",
sound "arpy" +| n "0 .. 15"
This is particularly useful if you want to apply a function or synth control pattern to multiple patterns at once:
d1 $ whenmod 5 3 (striate 3) $ stack [
sound "bd bd*2",
sound "hh*2 [sn cp] cp future*4",
sound "arpy" +| n "0 .. 15"
] # speed "[[1 0.8], [1.5 2]*2]/3"
Type: overlay :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
The overlay function is similar to cat described above, but combines two patterns, rather than a list of patterns. For example:
d1 $ sound (overlay "bd sn:2" "cp*3") the same as...
d1 $ sound "[bd sn:2, cp*3]"
Type: (<>) :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
<> is the same as overlay described above but in operator form. For example:
d1 $ sound ("bd sn:2" <> "cp*3")
See also: cat