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Type: range :: Num a => Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a

range will take a pattern which goes from 0 to 1 (such as sine), and scale it to a different range - between the first and second arguments. In the below example, range 1 1.5 shifts the range of sine from 0 - 1 to 1 - 1.5.

d1 $ jux (iter 4) $ sound "arpy arpy:2*2"
  |+ speed (slow 4 $ range 1 1.5 sine)

The above is equivalent to the following:

d1 $ jux (iter 4) $ sound "arpy arpy:2*2"
  |+ speed (slow 4 $ sine * 0.5 + 1)


Type: rangex :: (Floating b, Functor f) => b -> b -> f b -> f b

rangex is an exponential version of range described above, good to use for frequencies. For example, range 20 2000 "0.5" will give 1010 - halfway between 20 and 2000. But rangex 20 2000 0.5 will give 200 - halfway between on a logarithmic scale. This usually sounds better if you’re using the numbers as pitch frequencies. Since rangex uses logarithms, don’t try to scale things to zero or less!