From TidalCycles userbase
Type: rot :: Ord a => Pattern Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
The rot function 'rotates' the values in a pattern, while preserving its structure. For example in the following, each value will shift to its neighbour's position one step to the left, so that b takes the place of a, a of c, and c of b:
rot 1 "a ~ b c"
The result is equivalent of
"b ~ c a"
The first parameter is the number of steps, and may be given as a pattern, for example:
d1 $ rot "<0 0 1 3>" $ n "0 ~ 1 2 0 2 ~ 3*2" # sound "drum"
The above will not rotate the pattern for the first two cycles, will rotate it by one the third cycle, and by three the fourth cycle.