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Type: soak :: Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a

The soak function applies the given function over the given number of cycles. For example:

d1 $ soak 4 (* speed 1.5) $ sound "bd(3,8) sd:2"

For the first cycle, the function won't be applied at all, the second it'll be applied once, the third twice and fourth three times. The result is an increase of playback speed over four cycles.

The following creates a wandering melodic phrase that returns to the original after 4 cycles:

d1 $ (note $ scale "hexPhrygian" $ soak 4 ((0.25 <~).(|+ irand(2))) "0 . 2 3 ~ . 0 1 . -1 -2") #s "gtr"

This example will build up a kick rush over 4 bars:

d1 $ soak 4 (iter 8. slow 2 .ply 3) $ euclid 3 5 $ sound "bd sn"