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Type: striate :: Pattern Int -> ControlPattern -> ControlPattern

striate is a kind of granulator, cutting samples into bits in a similar to chop, but the resulting bits are organised differently. For example:

d1 $ slow 4 $ striate 3 $ sound "numbers:0 numbers:1 numbers:2 numbers:3"

This plays the loop the given number of times, but triggering progressive portions of each sample. So in this case it plays the loop three times, the first time playing the first third of each sample, then the second time playing the second third of each sample, and then finally the last third of each sample..

Compare this with chop:

d1 $ slow 4 $ chop 3 $ sound "numbers:0 numbers:1 numbers:2 numbers:3"

You can hear that the striate version 'interlaces' the cut up bits of samples together, whereas the chop version plays the bits from each chopped up sample in turn. It might be worth listening to the samples without granulation, in case that helps understand what’s happening in the above:

d1 $ slow 4 $ sound "numbers:0 numbers:1 numbers:2 numbers:3"


Type: striateBy :: Pattern Int -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern -> ControlPattern

striateBy (formerly called striate') is a variant of striate, with an extra parameter, which specifies the length of each part. striate still scans across the sample over a single cycle, but if each bit is longer, it creates a sort of stuttering effect. For example the following will cut the bev sample into 32 parts, but each will be 1/16th of a sample long:

d1 $ slow 32 $ striateBy 32 (1/16) $ sound "bev"

Note that striate uses the begin and end parameters internally. This means that if you’re using striate or striateBy you probably shouldn’t also specify begin or end.

See also: chop