Contributing tests

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Unit tests are small bits of code that check that a function works as expected. You might want to contribute a test for one or more reasons, e.g.

  • To demonstrate a bug or other unexpected behaviour in a clear way
  • To explain how a new feature works
  • Because there's a feature you really like and you don't want it to break in the futrue
  • To generally help make Tidal more resilient

Test modules

You can browse the test modules that already exist here:

The test modules are named after the modules they are testing, e.g. /test/Sound/Tidal/UITest.hs has tests for Sound.Tidal.UITest. Here's an example from that file:

    describe "euclidFull" $ do
      it "can match against silence" $ do
        compareP (Arc 0 1)
          (euclidFull 3 8 "bd" silence)
          ("bd(3,8)" :: Pattern String)

This tests that euclidFull works OK if its fourth parameter was silence. There was one a bug where it didn't, and the existence of this test means that if this bug comes back, we'll know about it.

compareP is for comparing two patterns. It takes three parameters - an Arc with a start and stop time -- in this case 0 and 1, which means that all the events in the first cycle (i.e, between time position 0 and 1) are compared. Then come the two patterns that are to be compared.

You'll also see comparePD - the final 'D' stands for defragment. There are cases where a function event gets split into two parts, and comparePD simply joins such events back together before comparing the patterns with each other.

Contributing tests

To contribute a test, you'll have to fork the Tidal project. You'll need to create a (free!) account on if you don't already have one, then go to the [tidal project] and click the 'fork' button.

Once you've done that, you'll need to 'clone' your new fork to your computer, and set that folder to be your current working directory. You can do that with this command, being sure to replace "<your username>" in the above with whatever your username is on github.

git clone<your username>/Tidal/
cd Tidal

Running tests

Before you do anything else, it's a good idea run the tests to make sure everything completes OK. You can do that with the following command:

cabal test

Writing and contributing your test

It's now time to make a 'branch' for creating your test, and then send it to the Tidal maintainers as a 'pull request'. This is general development stuff, so we'll defer to this handy guide. You can start with step 3 - "create a branch".