Playback Controllers

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Tidal 1.7.4 adds the ability to interact with patterns through the same OSC interface used for controller input. By default, it listens for OSC messages on localhost (, port 6010. Read the Controller Input guide for more information on configuring this.

The next section describes the playback control functions that are available, followed by an example of using MIDI control in SuperCollider to control several patterns.

Open Sound Control Functions

Mute a Pattern

You can mute or unmute a pattern by sending an OSC message with the path /mute or /unmute and an argument specifying a pattern. Just like in regular tidal code, this can be either a number (for d1, d2, etc) or a string (for named patterns).

For example the OSC message /mute 3 would mute d3.

Solo a Pattern

You can also solo or unsolo a pattern by sending an OSC message with the path /solo or /unsolo and an argument specifying a pattern, which can again be a number and a string.

For example the OSC message /solo 3 would solo d3.

Control All Patterns

You can also control all playing patterns using the OSC paths /muteAll, /unmuteAll, /unsoloAll and, of course, /hush. All of these messages have no arguments.

MIDI Example

Here is a full SuperCollider example for mapping buttons on a MIDI controller to patterns so that the note on/off messages from the buttons toggle pattern muting or trigger other effects.

This example uses the MIDI buttons for the notes C4 (MIDI value 60), D4 and E4 for toggling mute on d1, d2 and d3. It uses notes F4, G4 and A4 to toggle solo on d1, d2 and d3. It also uses the note C5 to trigger muteAll and note D5 to trigger unmuteAll.

Edit the first section of the code (MIDI Controller Mapping) to define which controller buttons you want to use for controlling patterns. The rest of the code should work with the mappings you define, and shouldn't need any editing, but can also be useful for adapting.

Start with Tidal (e.g. inside atom) and SuperDirt already running and then run the below code block in supercollider:

// Evaluate the block below to start the mapping MIDI -> OSC.
var mutes, solos, muteAll, unmuteAll, unsoloAll, hush;
var playbackControl, playbackState;
var osc;

/* -- MIDI Controller Mapping ---------------------------- */
// Edit this section to configure your MIDI controller

// "mutes" and "solos" are each a Dictionary of MIDI numbers -> Pattern IDs

// In this case, C4, D4 & E4 mute patterns d1, d2 & d3
mutes = Dictionary[
	60 -> 1,
	62 -> 2,
	64 -> 3

// In this case, F4, G4 & A4 solo patterns d1, d2 & d3
solos = Dictionary[
	65 -> 1,
	67 -> 2,
	69 -> 3

// This MIDI note triggers "muteAll"
// In this case, it's set to C5
muteAll = 72;

// This MIDI note triggers "unmuteAll"
// In this case, it's set to D5
unmuteAll = 74;

// This MIDI note triggers "unsoloAll"
// In this case, it's unused
unsoloAll = nil;

// This MIDI note triggers "hush"
// In this case, it's unused
hush = nil;

/* ------------------------------------------------------- */

playbackState = Dictionary[];

union(mutes.values.asSet, solos.values.asSet).do({
	arg item;
	playbackState.put(item, Dictionary[\mute -> false, \solo -> false]);

osc ="", 6010);


playbackControl = MIDIFunc.noteOn({ |val, num, chan, src|
	var patID, patState;
	if ( !== nil, {
		patID =;
		patState =;
		if (patState.trueAt(\mute), {
			osc.sendMsg("/unmute", patID);
			patState.put(\mute, false);
		}, {
			osc.sendMsg("/mute", patID);
			patState.put(\mute, true);

	if ( !== nil, {
		patID =;
		patState =;
		if (patState.trueAt(\solo), {
			osc.sendMsg("/unsolo", patID);
			patState.put(\solo, false);
		}, {
			osc.sendMsg("/solo", patID);
			patState.put(\solo, true);

	if (muteAll == num, {
			arg patState;
			patState.put(\mute, true);

	if (unmuteAll == num, {
			arg patState;
			patState.put(\mute, false);

	if (unsoloAll == num, {
			arg patState;
			patState.put(\solo, false);

	if (hush == num, {

if (~stopMidiMuteControl != nil, {

~stopMidiMuteControl = {;

// Evaluate the line below to stop it.