Not to be confused with range.
Type: scale :: Num a => Pattern String -> Pattern Int -> Pattern a
The scale function interprets a pattern of note numbers into a particular named scale.
For example:
d1 $ jux rev $ chunk 4 (fast 2 . (|- n 12)) $ off 0.25 (|+ 7) $ struct (iter 4 "t(5,8)")
$ n (scale "ritusen" "0 .. 7") # sound "superpiano"
Please note that prior to Tidal version 1.0.0, scale
had a very different function as a range operator. Veteran users will need to switch to using range for this functionality.
Type: scaleList :: String
The scaleList function outputs all the available scales, at the time of writing:
minPent majPent ritusen egyptian kumai hirajoshi iwato chinese indian pelog prometheus scriabin gong shang jiao zhi yu whole augmented augmented2 hexMajor7 hexDorian hexPhrygian hexSus hexMajor6 hexAeolian major ionian dorian phrygian lydian mixolydian aeolian minor locrian harmonicMinor harmonicMajor melodicMinor melodicMinorDesc melodicMajor bartok hindu todi purvi marva bhairav ahirbhairav superLocrian romanianMinor hungarianMinor neapolitanMinor enigmatic spanish leadingWhole lydianMinor neapolitanMajor locrianMajor diminished diminished2 chromatic
Type: getScale :: Num a => [(String, [a])] -> Pattern String -> Pattern Int -> Pattern a
You can build your own `scale` function with additional scales if you wish, using getScale
. For example:
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("techno", [0,2,3,5,7,8,10]),
("broken", [0,1,4,7,8,10])
The above takes the standard scaleTable as a starting point, and adds two custom scales to it.
You'll be able to use the new function as normal:
d1 $ n (scale "techno" "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7") # sound "superpiano"
Type: toScale :: Num a => [a] -> Pattern Int -> Pattern a
allows you to quickly apply a scale without naming it. For example:
d1 $ n (toScale [0,2,3,5,7,8,10] "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7") # sound "superpiano"